Wednesday, February 20, 2008

News... MIA

I will be MIA on my blog for a bit due to a sickness in family. I am still scheduling a few shoots on a case by case basis. Thanks for checking in!
With love,

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Welcome sweet boy!

One of my long time friend's had her second little boy in December. What a precious gift for Christmas! Here is a shot from the hospital. He is such a precious little guy!

Welcome to the world, Camden!


It has been such a long time since my last post! You are wanting to know why, right? I couldn't remember what to login with! I have been fighting with it and trying to figure out why my blog wasn't listed... It was because I was logging in with the wrong information.

The past few months have been riddled with heartache around here. My grandmother is very sick and we lost an incredible friend as well. I have taken a very long break to take care of things in my family and I am so ready to be back behind my camera!

I will try to catch up here and there as I can. I am going to have to get back into the groove. I will share some pictures with you as well in upcoming posts :).